Know a person or company that deserves an...
Authenticity Award?
National Authenticity Day
Push aside your costumes, chuck your work BS out the window, and stop acting like you think you should act. National Authenticity Day is a day to stop fixating on what it takes to fit in and start focusing on what you can do to stand out.

Established in 2021, National Authenticity Day is celebrated annually on August 16th.
It’s a national day to recognize the power of authenticity, a term that goes well beyond simply “being yourself”. This day is all about the people that choose to do things their own way, rather than simply checking the box.
National Authenticity Day is a day to recognize the beauty and power of authenticity. The authentic definition going well beyond simply “being yourself”, this is THE day to fully unleash your authenticity, connect with others as humanly as possible, celebrate the authentic leadership that inspires you, and choose to do things your own frickin' way.

There is only one rule for National Authenticity Day: there are no rules!
There is no playbook, because, well that would be hypocritical.
It might mean you tell your boss to “go to hell” after years of torture. Or maybe you finally come out as being queer. Maybe you drop the snoozy PowerPoint presentations at work and replace them with doozy stories. Or it could be as simple as having the guts to not wear makeup in front of your boyfriend for the first time.
Most importantly, authenticity is as contagious as a yawn in church. So celebrate your authenticity not just for you, but to inspire someone else. Who inspires someone else. Who inspires someone….
The Rules


Spread the power of authenticity
Share YOUR authenticity story or authenticity brand by posting to any of the socials you jam on and using #nationalauthenticityday2024

Make someone’s day!
Do you have someone in your life that just screams “authenticity” (well, not literally). How about an organization that deserves a corporate recognition award for believing that authenticity is a crucial core value for a company? Nominate someone today for one of these four Authenticity Awards!

In 2019, former corporate CEO, Erin Hatzikostas, founded b Authentic inc. Fueled by her success as an authentic leader, juxtaposed with her utter hatred of the ever-flowing burnout, BS, and, well, lack of authenticity in the workplace, she set out to create not just a company, but a movement.
Erin had uncovered that authenticity isn’t just a nice-to-have and that “authentic leadership” wasn't some fluffy, elusive unicorn. She realized that authenticity could actually be everyone’s secret weapon to success.
Meet Erin
CEO & Founder of b Authentic inc.
An internationally-recognized leader in authentic leadership, she's a best-selling author, TEDx speaker, podcast co-host, and coach-sultant.
Where it all began
While this horrific event and virus upheaved every human’s life, she could also see the silver lining (to the unicorn’s coat, of course); authenticity had entered the workplace full-force. But.
She also knew that without it being recognized, talked about, celebrated, and doubled-down on, we could all potentially lose one of the most positive consequences to have come out of the pandemic. With that in mind, the idea of National Authenticity Day hit her smack-dab in the middle of her oversized forehead. And with the click of a few buttons, the idea became a website. And with the outreach to a few believers, the website became a real thing.
And now with you on board, the real thing can become ... a movement.